5th INCO Conference, Athens, 2-3 June 2014

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please visit: www.inco-conference.eu for information about the Conference – PRESENTATIONS NOW ONLINE

Please visit the Conference Website for more up-to-date information on the conference. This wiki page will remain but will be updated at a slower pace.

5th INCO Conference “Addressing Future Challenges”, 2-3 June 2014

The 5th INCO conference took place on June 2-3, 2014 in Athens, Greece. The venue of conference was the Divani Palace Acropolis which is located below the Acropolis, very close to the old quarter of Plaka, the brand new archaeological Museum of Acropolis and the well known Herodion theatre.

The main objective of the conference was highlight the need for global cooperation for addressing common challenges to secure a better future. The conference also hosted the annual meeting of the national INCO experts as well as a special training session on international research collaboration.

This year’s regional focus was the European Neighborhood while most of the conference sessions will have a global focus. Discussions addressed critical issues such as the future of research in relation to the global challenges lying ahead in order to acquire insight for future coordinated actions. To this end, invited speakers from worldwide organizations funding research will share their experiences, best practices and obstacles.

The conference aimed to:

  • set the framework for international cooperation in H2020
  • collect the experiences of international organizations funding global research
  • highlight the link between research and societal challenges
  • underline best practices, and
  • provide insight to the future of interconnected research.The INCO conference taking place in Athens is the 5th consecutive conference organized under the INCO conference series of the INCONTACT project. It brings together the national experts for International Cooperation worldwide as well as other stakeholders engaging in international cooperation, to share their experiences and learn from each other.


The INCO conference series reflects the need to create an interconnected world, investing in a knowledge-based economy and coordinating global action to address key societal challenges in order to improve the lives of current and future generations.

The INCO conference series reflects the need to create an interconnected world, investing in a knowledge-based economy and coordinating global action to address key societal challenges in order to improve the lives of current and future generations. In this respect, the European Commission (EC) responding to the mandates of global concerns has specifically come forward with a Communication, the Strategic European Framework for International S&T Cooperation which identifies general principles and specific orientations for action: to strengthen the international dimension of the European Research Area (ERA); to improve the framework conditions for international S&T cooperation, and to promote European technologies in the world. This strategic framework reflects the 25-year commitment of the EC in the development of the International Scientific Cooperation (INCO) contributing to its citizens’ peace and prosperity Information on the event’s agenda, practical information such as and hotels as well as the reimbursement rules, will soon be announced.



Day 1 – 2nd of June 2014

  • Session 1: International Research Cooperation to address global challenges
  • Session 2: Research cooperation in the ENP area
  • Session 3: Back to the FutureDay 2 – 3rd of June 2014
  • INCO Experts meeting
  • INCO Experts trainingDay 3 – 4th of June 2014
  • INCONTACT 2020 Project Meeting
  • INCO Satellite Meetings and Workshops