3rd INCO Conference “Challenges and opportunities of International Cooperation in Horizon 2020”, Bonn, 18-20 June 2012

General information on the INCO Conference and NCP meeting 2012

3-Day International Conference Programme
“Challenges and opportunities of International Cooperation in Horizon 2020” – Report and conference presentations online now
The 3rd INCO Conference “Challenges and opportunities of International Cooperation in Horizon 2020” and the annual NCP meeting took place on 18 – 20 June 2012 in Bonn, Germany. The main topic of the conference was the future of international cooperation in Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation from 2014 to 2020. The event was part of the project “INCONTACT – one world” which comprises four conferences with different regional priorities. It had a regional focus on South East Asia providing a particular insight into international cooperation in Science and Technology.

The conference was attended by 150 international experts from politics, research and business spanning five continents and 60 different nations. A report on the 3rd INCO Conference and the presentations provide a valuable insight.

The conference was organised by the EU-Bureau of the German Federal Ministry of Research and Education (located at Project Management Agency of the German Aerospace Center.

Objectives of the conference:

  • share information on international S&T cooperation
  • examine experiences of international S&T partnerships
  • collect the views of third countries towards international cooperation
  • discuss challenges and opportunities of international cooperation in Horizon 2020
  • outline the frame for international cooperation in Horizon 2020


  • Representatives of EU member states
  • EU Commission
  • FP7 project coordinators with international partners

Venue: Universitätsclub Bonn e.V.
Konviktstr. 9, 53113 Bonn (Germany)

3-day Programme


  • In the afternoon – open to project members only
    • INCONTACT consortium meeting
    • SEA-EU-NET consortium meeting
    • IncoNet EECA NCP workshop
  • in the evening – open to all stakeholders interested in international scientific cooperation
    • Welcome drink and poster exhibition (“Eye of the Sky” – satellite images of the human impact on ecosystems in South East Asia)


  • Main day of the conference – open to all stakeholders interested in international scientific cooperation
    • During the day: 3rd INCO Conference
    • In the evening: Joint dinner


  • open to the INCO NCPs only
    • annual INCO NCP meeting and INCO NCP training session

Conference schedule – Open Conference – 19/06/2012

The INCO Conference will be divided into 4 main sessions.

  • First, different presentations will allow an overview on the current state of the internationalisation of the European Research Area.
  • In the second session, perspectives and expectations for international cooperation in Horizon 2020 will be analysed. The conference participants will be divided into breakout groups, dealing more closely with the proposed priorities in the programme. By focusing on “Excellent Science”, “Industrial Leadership” or “Societal Challenges”, it will be discussed how international cooperation should be promoted efficiently within these priorities, which specific themes should be tackled and which mechanisms should be further developed.
  • The third part is a poster session about good practices of international cooperation in Science and Technology with South East Asia. It will be organised in cooperation with the INCO-Net SEA-EU-Net.
  • In the final session, a panel discussion will provide answers on challenges and opportunities of international cooperation in Horizon 2020. Thereby, it will also be examined to what extent it can contribute to solving global problems.