4th INCO Conference, Marseille, 17-19 June 2013

General information on the INCO Conference and NCP meeting 2013

The 4th INCO Conference, “Strengthening international cooperation in Research & Innovation Experiences from Latin America and the Caribbean, and Mediterranean Partner Countries”, and the annual NCP meeting took place on 17-19 June 2013 in Marseille, France. The event focused on the future of international cooperation in Research and Innovation in Horizon 2020. It was held as a part of “INCONTACT-One World” project which is the official network of the FP7 INCO NCPs. Since the beginning of the project, four conferences were held in Athens, Johannesburg, Bonn and Marseille. It was organized by the Europe Department of the Institute of Research for Development (IRD).


At the bridge between the ending FP7 and the coming H2020, the main topic of the 4th INCONTACT conference was the future of international cooperation in Research and Innovation between Europe and third countries. The event displayed two geographical focuses: Latin-American and the Caribbean, and Mediterranean Partner Countries. The conference outlined opportunities for developing and emerging countries in Horizon 2020 and other funding sources for projects of mutual interest between EU and the focused regions by the conference.


The objectives of the INCO Conference 2013 were to:

  • Share information on international R&I cooperation
  • Examine experiences of international R&I partnerships
  • Collect the views of developing and emerging countries towards international cooperation in research and innovation
  • Discuss opportunities and challenges for third countries in Horizon 2020 and other programmes
  • Outline the frame for international cooperation in European and other programmes


The event brought together a diverse range of experts working in the field of International research co-operation from all over the world. It was attended by 157 participants from 68 countries

  • Representatives of EU member states
  • EU Commission (DG RTD, DG DEVCO, EEAS)
  • FP7 project coordinators with international partners
  • Researchers involved in FP7 projects comprising partners from developing and emerging countries

The 3 days programme

17 June 2013

  • Project meetings and other side events (open to project members only)
    • ESASTAP Plus WP Leaders meeting
    • LAC – Bilats meeting
    • INCONTACT consortium meeting
    • INCONTACT Regional Dialogue Platform
  • In the evening: Welcome drink and poster exhibition “Water at the Heart of Science” (open to all stakeholders interested in international scientific cooperation)

18 June 2013

  • Main day of the conference(open to all stakeholders interested in international scientific cooperation)
    • During the day: 4th INCO conference “Strengthening international cooperation in R&I: Experiences from LAC and MPC”
    • In the evening: Dinner in Marseille

19 June 2013

  • NCP Networking Day(open to the INCO NCPs only)
    • In the morning: NCP meeting
    • In the afternoon: NCP training

Conference schedule – Open conference – 18th June 2013

The main day of the conference, the 18th June 2013, was the highlight of the 3-day conference and provided a platform for discussions about the future of international cooperation in Horizon 2020. The conference was divided into 3 main sessions:

  • The first session presented an overview on the current state of international cooperation in FP7 and underlined the main perspectives of international cooperation in Horizon 2020.
  • The second sessions, geographical workshops, emphasized experiences of cooperation from Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC). These parallel sessions were the opportunity to tackle some cross-cutting issues, identifying best practices and needs for the coming programme.
  • The final session, a high panel discussion, provided answers on challenges and opportunities of international cooperation in Horizon 2020 more particularly with emerging and developing countries.

Argentinean-European Union Liaison Office: 10 years of Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation

On the occasion of the celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the Argentinean-European Union Liaison Office in Science, Technology and Innovation, the National Directorate of International Relations of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation (MINCyT) organized, from 9th to March 17th, a set of activities open to the Argentinean and European scientific community, that involved science policy makers, as well as researchers, scientists, administrators, managers of public and private organizations and other relevant actors of the scientific community.

Find more information on Argentinean-European Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation on http://abest.mincyt.gob.ar/index.php